How I can help

  • Residential Conversions & Extensions

    I undertake many types of commission, including small and large extensions, as well as new build houses for private clients and developers. I can handle all aspects of your project, including the initial design, planning permission, construction detailing and working with your contractors on site.

  • Listed Building Renovation

    If you own a listed building this means that your home is considered of special architectural or historic interest. It means the listing protects the whole of the building both inside and outside. I provide practical advice on maintenance to your listed building and work with you to find practical solutions to achieve listed building consent. I have extensive experience with the legislation concerning historic and traditional buildings.

  • Feasibility Studies

    Feasibility studies are used to understand the parameters of a particular project. They cover its design, function, site context, viability, cost and many other factors. This assessment helps the client to understand their project and the value it will create.

  • Project Management

    Engaging an architect can add considerable value to a project, no matter how small. I clarify everything you need to be aware of and will take you through riba’s industry standard plan of work, the various ways of calculating fees, as well as other legislation affecting your project and financial management of construction costs. A detailed schedule of works is generated for all projects to monitor and control costs.